​​​​​​Dear FUSION Members,
As many of you are aware, Ontario’s Not-for-profit Corporations Act, “ONCA” becomes binding law for all Ontario’s not-for-profit organizations this October. FUSION, like many other organizations, has to update our by-laws.
In FUSION’s AGM on September 25, the membership voted on three major amendments. We executed two updates to our Articles, as ONCA requires us to name our membership categories, as well as the minimum and maximum number of Directors. This amendment to our Letters Patent will then be officially filed with the Ministry.
Secondly, we passed the amendments to the General By-laws of FUSION which will bring our by-laws into full compliance with ONCA and will have modernized wording including electronic and remote meeting and communications methods.
We have been extremely fortunate to have received superb legal counsel from Carl De Vuono, a senior partner at McMillan LLP, for this endeavour. For a complete legal description of these changes please read the PDF entitled “Information for Members” below. You will also be able to find a copy of the old and a copy of the new proposed by-laws for your information and comparison.
I invite you to read the latest Annual Report which includes the financial statements prepared by Jeffrey Milgram and the minutes from last year's AGM.
With warm regards,
Catharina Goldnau
President, FUSION
Review the Information for Members which lays out the changes for ONCA.
Review and compare the suggested changes to FUSION's by-laws.
Review the proposed amended Articles.
Previous Annual Reports: