2024 CLAY &
On November 17th - 18th, 2024, FUSION partnered with the Gardiner Shop to bring you a POP-UP CLAY AND GLASS SHOW & SALE in the Terrace Room at the Gardiner Museum. The show was kicked off Sunday evening at our 50th Birthday Bash.
The theme for our 2024 show was CELEBRATE THE ARTFUL TABLE, also known as LA MESA. Instead of individual artist booths, there were large, communal dining tables featuring work from many artists. The theme of The Artful Table has been inspired by La Mesa Table at NCECA and the Gardiner Museum's interpretation of a late 18th-century dessert table inspired by a dinner with the Bishop of Norwich in 1783 and featured dessert dishes. The table at the Gardiner was recreated by culinary historian Ivan Day.
We celebrated 50 years of FUSION by introducing our 50th Anniversary Scholarship Recipients, presenting Honorary Lifetime Memberships to Ann Allen, Chris Snedden, and Judy Donaldson , and raising our glasses to one of FUSION's founders, Donn Zver, as he delivered an emotional birthday speech.
We caught up with old friends, and met new members while enjoying live music by Emma Kidd and Jonah Nung and nibbling on appetizers courtesy of Longo's. Bill Reddick Cakes provided delicious birthday cupcakes. Our 2024 Connect Online Exhibition screened during the event.
Alison Brannen
Annette ten Cate
Arlene Kushnir
Berna Kilic
Bill Greaves
Bill Reddick
Brenda Nieves
Brenda Sullivan
Catharina Goldnau
Charlie Larouche-Potvin
Chris Snedden
Corinne Lawless
Danielle Skentzos
Dominique Plamondon
Eekta Trienekens
Filipa Pimentel
Heidi McKenzie
Helena Krolak
Jacquie Jacobs
Janet Panabaker
Jill Cribbin
Juana Berinstein
Karen Franzen
Kat Looby
Kathy Kranias
Layne Verbeek
Loren Kaplan
Maegan Collins
Michael Polubiec
Michelle Organ
Moulshree Opal
Nadia Tasci
Natalie Waddell
Patricia Lazar
Peidi Wang
Queenie Xu
Sarah Hamelin
Tamara Sutton Funk
Terri Del Signore
Terry Atchison
Thomas Paik